
Sequoia forest – photography by SpencerSky.com


Here are some audio programs to help calm, heal, restore, and enlighten you. To listen, click the arrow on the left. To download, click the red button. When the black slider appears, click on the three vertical dots and then the download arrow. Happy listening!


The Seventeen Minute Miracle can help you unwind and become mindful. First you are guided through gentle body relaxation. Then you are shown how to notice whatever you’re experiencing while remaining aware of your breathing. In this way, you can experience thoughts, feelings, and sensations while retaining a peaceful, open perspective. The beautiful background music helps you to relax and stay focused. It is by Deep Sky Divers, and you can hear more of it on their website www.deepskydivers.com.

A note about breathing: You can pay attention to all, or any part, of the breathing process. You can be aware of the air flowing in and out of your nostrils, and of the subtle rising and falling of your chest. I’d suggest being especially attuned to the movement of your belly. If you allow your belly to be soft, it moves in and out freely as the diaphragm, the muscular ridge that separates your chest from your abdomen, bows up and down, thereby expanding and contracting the lungs. This enables full, healthy breathing. Also, the belly is far from the head, where you tend to get lost in thought. Especially attending to the movement of your belly is very helpful in staying aware of what you’re experiencing without becoming pulled in.

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Five Minute Stress Release guides you in becoming aware of how you can release tension as you breathe. Listening will help you let go quite quickly. The program has no defined ending, so you can continue to focus on your breathing if you wish. The open-endedness is especially helpful if you want to fall asleep right after listening. If you’re using the program for stress relief during the day, you can open your eyes and focus outward whenever you feel ready.

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A ten minute guided introduction to mindfulness. Simply follow along. You’ll hear only my voice, since many people prefer to meditate in silence. If you wish, you can play some soft instrumental music.

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An audio program that amplifies our natural response to the sound of gently flowing water. As you listen to the voice of a mountain stream as it washes through you, you relax, release tension and constriction, and open to healing. This twelve minute program feels like being thoroughly cleansed in both body and mind. 

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Breathe, Soften, and Open lasts seventeen minutes and adds a progressive body softening to the breath focus of Five Minute Stress Release. This deepens the relaxation. Then you are guided to open your awareness around your breathing to allow your thoughts and feelings to come and go without disturbing your inner peace. The background music is especially conducive to softening and opening.    It is a recording of Tibetan Bowls by “the very Real Horst,” a teacher of Chinese martial arts and Qigong in Duisberg, Germany. You can find a link to his YouTube channel with many more such recordings at www.tao-chi.info.

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