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Fremontia – photography by SpencerSky.com



This is a video I made recently for the Center for Lifelong Learning, part of Santa Barbara City College. It is a very short “release and reframe.” If you can, sit for a few minutes after it ends, practicing what has been suggested. It takes a little while for the body to become calmer and mental clarity to emerge. I’d strongly recommend closing your eyes. That way, you’ll focus on what’s going on inside yourself, rather than on me focusing on what’s going on inside myself!


On Friday mornings, I teach Consciousness, Science, and the Nature of Being to a large and diverse collection of adults who realize the centrality of the evolution of awareness and compassion in their own lives and for the health of the world. This is a brief statement about why we gather, learn, and grow. Class always begins with meditation, and frequently features wonderful guest presenters. If this sounds like you, click this link to find out more: http://www.sbcc.edu/extendedlearning, or call 805-898-8134. A tip: registering (free!) at the Schott or Wake Center main offices is easiest.


I was interviewed recently about mindfulness by Sean Reilly of the University of California at Santa Barbara (UCSB) Department of Health and Wellness. This video serves as a good introduction to what mindfulness is and why it’s so valuable to learn. The interview concludes with a short guided meditation.


Why learn mindfulness? This is a short talk I gave as a guest teacher in a Santa Barbara City College “Adult Ed” class on well-being in March of 2021. I succinctly and enthusiastically describe three levels at which mindfulness is beneficial. After you watch this, I’d suggest clicking on Stress Relief and Mindfulness in Two Minutes, and practicing what I preach!


This is a presentation I gave recently as part of the MIT Class of ’67 Lecture Series. It is almost two hours in length. The first 45 minutes presents mindfulness – what it is, and how and why to do it, and includes a guided meditation.

The second 45 minutes focuses on happiness and wellbeing. I lead a “chakragram” activity, which lets you ascertain your current level of wellbeing, and gives clear feedback about how to improve and optimize it.

The final half hour consists of my answers to questions posed by the participants.

To view the talk on youtube, click this link: https://youtu.be/rupjfjMWjaQ